Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Growth Rings: Survivng and Thriving, Are You Seeking New Cheese?


Growth Rings:  Surviving and Thriving, Are You Seeking New Cheese?

In November 2019, my Growth Rings post, Where did the cheese go? focused on Spencer Johnson’s book, Who Moved My Cheese. Looking back today, from May 2024, what if anything has been learned? It does seem the four characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw, are alive and well and can be recognized in our family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and political parties. Which one do you identify with?


The question to ask ourselves today is: “am I surviving and thriving?” Have you chosen to tune out, are angry and afraid or are you aware, energized, and excited?  Are you looking for new cheese? Why have you chosen as you have? Have you considered how your choice, perspectives and mindset is influencing those around you, particularly children and young people? 


Two Mice, Two Little People

In his book, Johnson introduced four characters, two mice, Sniff and Scurry, and two little people named Hem and Haw. Their search for security and happiness in the maze leads them to “Cheese Station C”. Hem and Haw believed the cheese would be there forever, and become comfortable, establish routines, and settle. 


The two mice, Sniff and Scurry, pay attention over time and noticed the cheese at Cheese Station C is dwindling. They mentally prepared for the day when the cheese would run out and they would have to search for new cheese. When that day came, Sniff and Scurry were not surprised. They had prepared for this and took off to find new cheese.


When Hem and Haw arrive at Cheese Station C later that day, they found the same thing, no cheese. Hem and Haw had not seen this coming, were unprepared, became angry and cried out, “Who moved the cheese?” When Hem and Haw realized the cheese was not coming back, Haw suggested going into the maze to look for new cheese. Hem, frustrated and disappointed, rejected the idea.


Searching for new cheese, Sniff and Scurry found it at “Cheese Station N”. Back at Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw paralyzed by fear, could not let go of their old thinking, and blamed each other for their condition. Haw finally realized Hem was not going to give up his old thinking, decided to move on, enter the maze to seek new cheese. Before leaving, Haw left Hem a message written on the wall of Cheese Station C "If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct". 


As Haw overcame his fears in the maze, he comes to ask himself “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Haw smiles and with his new mindset, begins to enjoy life again. He finds some bits of cheese which sustains him and keeps moving him forward. He still worries about the unknown but brushes his fears aside realizing that "When you move beyond your fear, you feel free." Haw decides to go back and share with Hem what he has learned.


Returning to Hem, Haw shares what he has learned. Hem rejects Haw’s discoveries. Sadly, Haw leaves his friend and returns to the maze to seek new cheese. Haw decides to leave writings on the wall to help Hem, should he decide to follow, realizing that Hem needs to decide his fate for himself. 


For Sniff and Scurry, they realized a change was coming and mentally prepared for the day. For Hem and Haw, when changes happened, they became angered, frustrated, and grieved. Haw finally accepted change and moved on. For Hem, he could not get past grieving.  Does any of this sound familiar to you or to what is happening today.


The cheese has moved. Comfort and security in established routines and norms today is being challenged by change and emerging new norms. This is triggering emotions of fear, blame, anger, and grieving. Those mentally prepared for “the cheese to run out” can move past fear. They have realized that when you move beyond your fear, you feel free and alive.


So how are YOU doing?

As we are experiencing and navigating dynamic change, it is important to reflect, take time, and ask yourself, “how am I doing”? Begin with how am I feeling? Are you angry, afraid, sad, or excited, courageous, and happy? Your emotions and feelings give insight to the lens by which you see the world. This in turn impacts how you will react to it. It is important to note that of four characters, Hem, Haw, Sniff, and Scurry, three of them were able to survive and thrive, one did not. Which one do you identify with?


Look outside your silo.

In your interaction with others, in your exposure to social media and the news, do you hear anger and fear, or excitement and opportunity? Do you hear blame and a return to a nostalgic time or optimism and excitement to create new?  Do you see Hem, Haw, Sniff, and Scurry?


There are those who say that with age, the ability to adapt and change diminishes. It does seem that the older a person becomes the more they hold on to the past. If this phenomenon is true, is this condition something that is organic, biological, or learned? As we age, how is being a life long learner modeled? Can old dogs be taught new tricks?



If adaptation for survival is crucial, the question becomes can humans be conditioned, taught, or reprogrammed to choose to learn, unlearn, and uplearn. Systemically, what would that look like? What and where does learning need to become?


As illustrated in Who moved My Cheese, there are those who can, and those who won’t or can’t. With both, it is a choice grounded in one’s mental attitude of positive or negative, can do or can’t, dark or light. It is important to realize of the consequence of this choice is foundational to one’s mental health, relationships, and the difference between survival, thriving, or extinction.  


It has been a minute since my January 2024 Growth Ring Post. For the last five months I have been listening, reading, reflecting, processing and thinking, breaking down my own silo, deliberately recalibrating my focus from inward to outward. This has required energy and self-discipline. It has proven to be challenging, emotional, energizing and self-renewing all at the same time.  With new orientation has come a new perspective and realization that others are out there too, seeking new cheese.


The song “Message in a Bottle” by the Police, speaks to this:

 “A castaway, an island lost at sea. Another lonely day with no one here but me.  More loneliness than any man could bear. Rescue me before I fall into despair.”


In the song the focus changes outward:

“I’ll send an S.O.S to the world...  I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle.”

A year has passed since I wrote my note, I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together, Love can mend your life or love can break your heart.


Walked out this morning, I don't believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone.


I have observed that navigating change is best done with an open mind, awareness, and others, as modeled by Sniff and Scurry. Haw overcame his fear, and with courage and hope, traveled out into the maze to look for new cheese, Hem did not.   


In selling over 30 million copies, the Who Moved My Cheese message has resonated with many seeking hope and courage to navigate change. So again, how are you doing with the emerging new Growth Ring? Are you seeking new cheese? Are you surviving and thriving?

Readers, colleagues and friends, THANK YOU for your time in read this! Your comments, perspectives and feedback is greatly vauled and appriciate. Together, lets go look for new cheese!

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